AFSC 1C7X1 Airfield Management (2024)


- Establishes multi flt plans f/14 B2s; ensures multi-nation safety/routes of travel, safeguards $28B assets
- Focal point f/afld ops; provides safe/efficient/effective 1.76M sq ft afld; secures B2 rapid mobility dplymnt
- Dispatcher f/IFE resps; coord's emer info w/4 agencies/28 notifications--$28B f/acft/debris secured
- Orchestrates afld snow removal ops; minimizes impact to B2 ops/alert AC--establishes 3/4 8th AF priorities

- Manages airfield ops; coordinates w/aircrews, air traffic control and other base agencies to ensure safe aircraft ops
- Conducts airport inspections/assesses conditions of runways, taxiways, aprons & afld lighting sys on 70.6M sq/ft afld
- Inspects afld for hazards affecting msn capabilities; coordinates w/CE/r for correction; ensures DOD msn sustainment
- Tracks mil/civ flight movements; coordinates aircrew/field support w/14 base agencies; focal point for all airfield ops

- Advises sr ldrs on matters affecting 10.9M sq ft afld/flying ops; dvlps parking plans f/mil acft--5K+ takeoffs/landing
- Plans/schedules/directs multi-million dollar afld upgrade/construction projects; establishes future infrastructure rqmts
- Maintains overall situational awareness of airfield activities and responsible for 2M+ sq/ft of airfield surfaces

- Briefs aircrews on airfield operational hazards and responds to aircraft in-flight/ground emergencies/mishaps
- Conducts afld checks and inspections, identifies discrepancies, coordinates with 12 airfield support agencies
- Assesses afld ops/situations, determines operational rqmts & imposes afld restrictions as necessary


- Accomplished specialized mainteance on $XXK DFT; enhanced 55OG in risk mitigation decisions w/flying ops
- Aced Sr Enlisted Joint PME course; improved multiforce/ldrshp knowledge--raised joint operational readiness/cohesion
- Achieved 5-lvl upgrade; mastered 572 tasks/41 lessons, honed trng skills--helped qual 2 mbrs/5-lvl manpower up 25%
- Activated crash phone for 4 emergencies; alerted key support agencies; personnel/assets safely recovered
- Administered/allocated flight information publications to flying units; provided timely mission-critical data
- Aided in coordination of 181 NOTAMs; assured worldwide dissemination of hazardous airfield conditions
- Aided in success of (Base) Air Expo '11; 170K+ guest/102 unique acft/mishaps adverted--airpower showcased
- Attention to detail; designed surface condition tracking board for aircrew; improved notification process 100%

- Built weekend airfield staffing/71 hrs; facilitated SOF/FORGING SABER exercises--lifted joint/Singapore tie

- Catalyzed F-35 sunshade airfield project; relayed driving rules to 17 contractors--$1.5M construction initiated
- Champion for Airfield Management & OSS Enlisted Force Development! Trusted advisor and Go-to for critical tasks
- Conducted 36 airfield checks; 90% of responses produced debris removal; eliminated hazard; success assured
- Conducted 52 flightline drivers license checks; monitor'd/maintained compliance--increased afld driving safety
- Coor'd logs f/SPMAGTF; meshed jt ops f/2 KC130/12 MV22/12 F18s--secured $1.2B DoD assets/seamless integration
- Coord'd OJM ops; org'd flt plng/parking/C2 spt f/36 anti-terror msns--facilitated 1.33M lbs refueling to 70 coalition acft
- Coordinated acft arrival for fallen soldier ceremony at Offutt; provided proper final respect for fallen soldier
- Coordinated ground support for 4 NAOC missions; maintained operational readiness for $250M strategic asset
- Coordinated parking w/RSAF f/Tuwaiq Exercise; supported 5 Arabian nations acft--performed 50 USAF/USMC msns
- Coordinated with ten wing agencies on eight F-15 emergency divert aircraft; enabled safe recovery of $160M in assets
- Coordinated wx evac spt; synced 22 ARW rqmts w/TA capes, arranged parking--harbored 5 acft/secured $2.1B assets
- Created 1st ever Total Force Professional Enhancement Course; planned/briefed 16 NCOs on career growth in AF
- Created 3 waivers for const project; identified 36 hazards -- aided xxWG on risk mitigation decisions affecting ops

- Deconflict'd daily ops f/ 6 Airfield Mgt mbrs--enabled 24/7/365 support/201K movements during low manning
- Detail oriented; discovered multiple issues with visual glide path indicator--system fixed/functional/certified & safe!
- Dev'd Morón's '19 paint/rubber rmvl pln; insp'd 10M sqft area/ID'd 81 deficient areas--prepped $150K pln f/execution
- Developed EAFB Airshow traffic log; engr'd 62 acft beddown--awd'd top intl airshow key f/MAJCOM facility OTY
- Developed six person duty schedule during emergency staffing levels--guaranteed 24/7/365 seamless operations
- Develop'd new parking plan for DV aircraft; verified wingtip clearance requirements--established better DV transport

- Enabled Ex GOLDEN COYOTE; mng'd 7 twy QCs, redux propwash haz--qual'd 160x MDG/4x MEDEVAC ANG mbrs
- Estab'd MV-22 emer ldg cape; led jt site survey/secured HN aprvl f/SOP--elim'd final beddown limfac f/12 USMC acft
- Expertly led assets during 6 airfield construction projects; $2.6M in ground repair--zero flying loss and no mishaps!
- Expertly processed 49 DV arrival/departure checklists during CAPSTONE Conference; ensured event success

- Fantastic Superintendent; managed 6 personnel/5,018 hours flown/4,211 sorties/55 students--mission success assured
- Filled Airfield Manager role; conducted pre/post construction inspections--$366K airfield projects closed out

- Hand selected f/ Airfield Management representative for POTUS support; de-conflicted flight, parking, and security

- ID'd rwy spalls; creatively planned rwy spall repairs--117 crucial rwy repairs in three days w/no effect on ops
- Inspected 42 training records/12 MICT items; identified/removed 7 discrepancies--no deficiencies during UEI

- Key player in SE17; directly managed influx of 45+ fighter jets & support personnel--ensured exercise was a success!
- Key winter ops player--conducted 100+ runway checks--info crucial to aircraft departing/landing; no mishaps

- Led 148 inspections during four airfield projects valued at $9M--ensured contractors kept 100% compliant
- Led 22 mbr hydraulic leak QRT; susp'd rwy ops/rerouted aircaft/informed wg ldrship--prvt'd enviro impact/rwy damage
- Led 2x F-16 IFE resps; coord'd emer info f/HN/DoD, closed rwy ops f/ejected tank recovery--$29M acft/debris secured
- Led 7 mbr fuel spill quick response tm; safed cordon/rerouted acft/informed wg ldrshp--safeguarded 104 acft/57 prsnl
- Led afld lgtg overhaul; dvlp'd mobile outage tracker/traind 15 prsnl, ID'd 405 discreps--incrs'd HN workflow/new std set
- Led emergency facility evacuation; relocated/assumed control, ops restored in 10 min; zero mission impact
- Led F-16 eng failure/jettison'd fuel tank IFE; coord'd emergency info f/HN/USAF--$64M acft/debris secured/recovered
- Led geo-sep EOSS flt function; mng'd food order/dlvry/org'd 3 activities--incrs'd sq morale/tm cohesion f/12 mbrs
- Led Gila Bend safety inspection; identified erroneous markings/evaluated 24 write-ups--56FW/CC approved
- Led Jt 5 mbr afld survey tm; brf'd top HN ldrshp/75 key prsnl, eval'd 265 rqmts--estab'd OAs f/ 4 vital int'l emer aflds

- Maintained Airfield Status page used to track airfield status; availability guaranteed for over 15 users
- Managed and tracked airfield work orders; revalidated 11 airfield discrepancies -- ensured AF mission sustainment
- Managed Unit Airfield Driving Program; trained/certified 300+ drivers--facilitated safe msn accomplishment
- Mitigated acft spt gap; coord'd parking/recovered BTF/$1.9B assets--key to Sq's 5x Loring awd/Cmd's #1 flying OSS
- Mng'd ops f/9 Coronet msns; org'd parking f/78 acft/1.4M lbs fuel xfer--dlvr'd 156 ops/457 prsnl iso CENTCOM msns
- Mng'd SVCO pgm/4 secs; cmplt'd trng/tracked mx f/18 GLVs/coord'd loaners w/in sq--cert'd $540K assets ops ready
- Monitored $1.4M acft arresting sys proj; conducted daily inspections--flt ops & vital construction integrated
- Monitored $19-million airfield construction project; performed over 40 spot checks; flightline safety secured
- Monitored afld contractors; oversaw completion on $3M afld light circuit proj; reduced energy consumption

- NCOIC Ops; led 13 Amn/sync d 18K ops/225 DV mvmts/$80M afld projs w/CJCS priorities 2017 OG Tm OTY awd

- Orchestrated airfield snow removal operation; minimized impact on 55 WG, transient/alert aircraft mission
- Ordered/installed $12K tech refresh; upgraded 8 decade-old PCs/hardware--saved 81 man-hrs over 2 months
- Organized ORANG Mentorship Symposium; set up the event for 65 members; AF leaders professionally prepared
- Outstanding! Responded to aircraft bird strike; mitigated hazard; enabled wing aircraft to depart without delay
- Oversaw $5M airfield construction; executed 10 inspections on 11M square feet pavement--2.7K sorties flown
- Oversaw 95 USMC ops; coord'd C2 f/6 haz cargo mvmnts/org'd SpAF approval--dlvr'd 5K lbs muns f/AFRICOM ops
- Oversaw AM daily ops; monitored $43 Million Construction Project -- no construction related aircraft mishaps

- Performed 112 afld cks/10 afld insps/12 lighting cks; ID'd/monitored all discrepancies--maintained afld safety
- Proactive SNCO warrior; selfless/caring/focused on team & squadron goals--increased cohesion within work-center
- Processed 350 Notices to Airman; afld info available at aircrew fingertips--ensured safety of 17K acft ops/yr
- Processed 750+ local and transient aircrew flight plans; 97% error free--insured on-time mission completion

- Ratified 28 BW capes f/Ex NEPTUNE FALCON; mng'd AMC reqs f/12x KC-10/safed 2.5 sqm afld--won Sq Amn OTQ
- Rebuilt afld lighting outage tracker; val'd 885 lights/trn'd 10 Amn on changes--elim'd 107 errors & sfgd'd 480 qtrly ops
- Resolved delicate int'l flt issue, brf'd Maj Gen diplomatic options as SME--fortified $143M asset/unlocked hi-vis Op
- Responded to 4 fuel spills; 900+ ft of fuel cleaned/ safeguarded integrity of pavem't-- no msn delay or pavem't fail'r
- Responded to F16 fuel leak/15 Gallons; notified first reponders & suspended rwy ops; averted acft catastrophe
- Revamp'd Wing ADP; created binder/appt letter/self insp ckl templates--saved 216 man hours for future unit ADPM's
- Revised local position guide and authored 36 lesson plans--ensured updates met new Air Force requirements

- Selfless Airman; planned AM Worldwide Workshop; briefed 84 Wings to train and improve career field continuity
- Selfless leader with a wealth of experience; willing to go the extra mile at any time to improve subordinates and OSS
- Sentry Eagle linchpin; coordinated parking for 50+ a/c from 7 MDS; 0 safety issues--enjoyed by 10K+ in community
- Solved 72-hr DTACAN outage; created field repair guide/trn'd 9 mbrs--restored $1.6M sys to FMC/fac'd 1.2K jt sorties
- Spearheaded AM trng record transition; created 8 fully operational rcrds for AM personnel-- 100% mobility readiness
- Spearheaded ROK Presidential movmt; coord security/parking/quiet hrs for entourage--flawless 8 FW support
- Spearheaded svcs for CAPSTONE & ACC/CC visits; coord parking plans--ensured unhindered DV passage
- Spt'd HN Bak-14 cert; sync'd srts w/AAS engagement, dir'd 6 agencies/30 pers/10 veh/1 acft --validated emer protocols
- Stood up 1st SPMAGTF ADP; train'd 96 members on afld driving--ensured compliance w/AFI/HN driving regulations
- Superb SNCO; ensures subordinates are empowered; encourages improvement; acknowledges great performance
- Supported xxxx local and xx TDY aircraft; xxx+ inspections and checks cmplt'd; operational readiness maintained
- Swiftly responded to 5 aircraft bird strikes--mitigated hazards--enabled wing aircraft to depart without delay
- Swiftly responded to increased bird watch conditions; mitigated hazard; quick reaction secured safety of flight
- Synch'd explosives site plan; averted C17 haz cargo conflict/coord'd event waiver--enabled 30K lbs bombs download

- Taught 34 SOF members airfield driving; meshed exercise driving with 56 FW ops--27 FY16 pilots graduated
- Tracked follow-on forces acft/mastered SABC/ATSO--helped 8 FW earn Excellent rating in '09 PACAF ORI

- Understands the Guardsman concept; coordinated ALCF airfield survey for Cascadia fault; governor funds possible!
- Updated 3 local Operating Instructions; streamlined guidelines to increase efficiency; next inspection areas addressed

- Validated flightline drivers program; performed 17 checks; ensured only qualified drivers operated on airfield

AFSC 1C7X1 Airfield Management (2024)


What is the job description of the 1C7X1? ›

As an Airfield Management Specialist, you are one of the primary responders to in-flight and ground emergencies, and you'll be responsible for the removal or dispersal of birds and wildlife on or near the airfield using pyrotechnics or bioacoustics to scare the threat off the airfield environment.

What is the code for airfield management AFSC? ›

1C7X1 – Airfield Management AFSC.

What does airfield management do in the air force? ›

Airfield Management is responsible for routine airport safety inspections, maintenance coordination, oversight of airport pavements, Visual Navigational Aids and Facilities, airfield components, and the enforcement of DoD or Host Nation airfield design criteria.

What does an airfield operations specialist do? ›

About airfield operations specialists

Duties include coordination between air-traffic control and maintenance personnel, dispatching, using airfield landing and navigational aids, implementing airfield safety procedures, monitoring and maintaining flight records, and applying knowledge of weather information.

What is 1c1x1? ›

Mission. Every day, hundreds of military airplanes and helicopters take off and land all over the world. It is the job of air traffic controllers to monitor these aircraft in order to prevent accidents.

What is the job description of a 1n7x1? ›

Collects and reports information obtained from human sources in response to intelligence requirements. Screens documents and open-source materials to identify potential source leads. Assesses and debriefs sources in English.

What does AFSC stand for? ›

The Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is an alphanumeric code used by the United States Air Force to identify a specific job. Officer AFSCs consist of four characters and enlisted AFSCs consist of five characters.

What is the 7 skill level in the Air Force? ›

In this case, the “7” skill level is a “craftsman.” Upon promotion to E-5, Airmen begin training for the “7” (craftsman) skill level. This level ​of training includes correspondence courses, more on-the-job training, and for some jobs, a 7-level technical school.

What is a 5 level in the Air Force? ›

Journeyman (5-skill level): Upon arrival at their first duty location, individuals must complete formal 5-level OJT training requirements as defined in this CFETP, DAFI 36-2670, and the AFECD. This training involves completion of all identified core tasks.

What is the job description of airfield maintenance? ›

Nature of Work

This is skilled work repairing and maintaining paved and unpaved airfield surfaces, hangers, and various mechanical devices using a variety of light and heavy maintenance and construction equipment, power and hand tools.

How much does an Air Force airfield operations officer get paid? ›

Total salary range for US Air Force Airfield Operations Officer. The estimated total pay range for a Airfield Operations Officer at US Air Force is $76K–$116K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Airfield Operations Officer base salary at US Air Force is $94K per year.

Who is in charge of an airfield? ›

Airport Operator. The airport operator is primarily responsible for the physical elements of the airport, which include: Runways, taxiways and other elements of the airfield.

How do you become an airfield operations officer? ›

  1. Bachelor's Degree or equivalent.
  2. Attended Airport/Airlines safety and security training courses.
  3. Attended Airport/Airline operations courses i.e. passenger, ramp and cargo.
  4. Hold a Qatar Driving License/own country license.
  5. Experienced – minimum 4 years of job related experience required.

What is the outlook for airfield operations specialists? ›

Demand for Airfield Operations Specialists is expected to go up, with an expected 900 new jobs filled by 2029.

What is an airfield controller responsible for? ›

This controller supervises the movements of all traffic on the ground in the manoeuvring area (aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians), and all aircraft flying in the local circuit. The aerodrome controller may also be known as the airfield controller or the local controller.

What is a 1d7x1a job description? ›

Surveys, secures, protects, defends, preserves, designs, builds, operates, and extends data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems. This Air Force Specialty Code incorporates the use of DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) Codes to tie this specialty to the framework.

What is the job description of a 2a7x1? ›

Duties and Responsibilities

Welds, brazes, solders, and heat treats metals. Uses manual and computer numerical controlled (CNC) metal working machines, mills, and lathes to manufacture and repair cams, gears, slots, and keyways for aircraft components and SE.

What is the job description of a 3d1x7? ›

Specific duties of this AFSC include: Installs, maintains, reconstitutes, removes, and modifies copper core, coaxial, waveguide, and fiber optic cable and antenna systems. Climbs antenna support structures and wooden poles to various heights for maintenance and installation actions on cable and antenna systems.

What is the job description of an entry level assembler? ›

Read and interpret blueprints, schematics, and technical drawings. Use hand and power tools to cut, drill, grind, and fasten materials. Inspect parts and products for defects and make adjustments as needed. Assemble and test finished products to ensure quality standards are met.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.